Advanced Relational Software

Risk Management (Property/Casualty) Software and Actuarial Services for Large Corporations - Exposure Samples

Contact:Jim Postilion
(847) 956-1453

Exposure Samples
These "Exposure Samples" require data feeds (usually Excel spreadsheets) from multiple areas within your organization. They can be updated annually or more often depending on how accurate the insurance allocation should be in reflecting changes in exposure.
Exposure Variance Export This Excel spreadsheet compares upcoming budget year exposure with last year's exposure. It is often used to justify increases / decreases in "Fixed Costs" and/or "Variable Costs" during the budgeting process. The "Estimated Loss" columns are generated by the software using a complex forecasting algorithm based on 5 years of weighted exposure, 5 years of weighted losses, 5 years of weighted claim counts, and the actuaries total company-wide forecast. Portions of this spreadsheet have been omitted and/or modified for confidentiality.
All Exposure Export This Excel spreadsheet provides a concise view of all the exposures for all the organizational levels within a particular segment of the company. Portions of this spreadsheet have been omitted and/or modified for confidentiality.
Exposure By State Export This Excel spreadsheet is typically provided to the insurance broker on an annual basis during the insurance renewal process. Portions of this spreadsheet have been omitted and/or modified for confidentiality.
Exposure Detail Export This spreadsheet shows detailed "Employees / Payroll" by "Location" and "General Ledger (GL) Account". It is used to answer detailed questions regarding "Employees / Payroll" when tying back to a specific "GL Account" is necessary. This export can also be produced on the other categories of exposure. Portions of this spreadsheet have been omitted and/or modified for confidentiality.